
July 2016

Getting the Arrowhead core system running on the BBB local cloud - Hasan Derhamy

This instruction is using the EISLAB Arrowhead core systems developed in Node.js to deploy to the BeagleBone Black.


  1. First copy across translator binaries
  2. Then configure translator properties with the interface to the external adaptor the requests will arrive from
  3. Then copy accross the compiled node tar file, must be tarred so that the executable and linux file permissions are not lost.
  4. Then untar the binaries
  5. Then install the binaries
  6. Test with: node -v
  7. Then copy accross the Arrowhead core in node "NodeArrowhead"
  8. Then update configuration files
  9. Then add to chron table
  10. "crontab -e"
  11. @reboot /home/debian/scripts/
  12. @reboot /home/debian/translator/


Installing Node.js on the BeagleBone Black debian
Using cron on debian linux
