
This exampes shows the capabilities of the code to model large nonorthogonal structures.

The object is a chassis which has been meshed into 2 862 surfaces. Front bumper is excited using a 1 V, Gaussian pulse with 'rise time' 50 ns voltage source, (GPULSE(1 50e-9 150e-9)). The front bumper grounded by a 100 ohm resistor. Back bumper grounded by a 50 ohm resistor. Transient analysis from 0 to 1500 ns using 300 steps (TRAN 300 0 1500e-9).


Lp-matrix = 3 816 x 3 816

P-matrix = 2 862 x 2 862

Rv-matrix = 2 862 x 1 355


(Lp, C, R)PEEC model. MNA-method.

4 hours to calculate Lp and P matrices using FMF-approach. 10 minutes to solve the circuit equations. Total solution time: 4 hours and 10 minutes.


At time 100

At time 160


Front/Left view (8.6 Mb)

Side view (3.5 Mb)

Top view (7.2 Mb)

Input file
